rashtriye krishi vikash yojana, ministry of agriculture&farmer walfare govt of india
rashtriye krishi vikash yojana, ministry of agriculture&farmer walfare govt of india
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Disclaimer Information present in our website is intended for those interested in learning more about our organization. our authorities have taken all reasonable care in producing these web pages, which we believe were accurate at the time of initial publication or last modification. However, circumstances do change over time and our organization cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Users are advised to verify the details contained in these web pages with the our office or authority before making decisions based on the published information.. Legal Disclaimer pashu suraksha yojana
With COVID Restrictions, you may be required to stay at home except for Essential Services.
You may be "SELF ISOLATING", but your pet has a non-urgent condition which still requires Veterinary Attention.
You may need Veterinary Professional Advice for your pet's medical condition, which can be performed remotely - ie over the phone/ video link - without having to attend the clinic in person.
Please refer to the following form, for a TELECONSULTATION, and book with Reception.
NB : Telemedicine is not suitable for all cases or situations. If you have paid and commenced a Veterinary Teleconsultation, and the Vet recommends your pet requires a "hands on" examination for the condition on that day - you will only incur ONE CONSULTATION FEE.
Download the Teleconsultation Examination Request form,
so you can fill it out at home,
click this link below:
Once completed the form please email or SMS it back to us,
and we will arrange a time for the Vets to call you for your Teleconsultation.
While making the animal health card, read the terms and conditions carefully. Animal health card is health service card Card service charge is not refundable.
The validity of all health cards is one year; Card will be renewable every year.
Any type of loan guarantee is not taken by our institution, the loan is given by different banks, agencies, governments, which have their own terms and conditions, on the same basis, animal owners get loans.
Our organization only provides service, under which the details of every service coming are given in writing on the card and on the website, what is written is valid.
Fees: Our fees are set to reflect our professional service that we provide. These fees may vary according to each case due to the time spent, materials and drugs used, and level of expertise required of the staff looking after your pet.
All fees, diets and drugs charges are subject to GST at the current rate.
Methods of Payment: Itemized bills will be provided with every transaction. Accounts are due for settlement at the time of consultation, the discharge of your pet or upon collection of drugs/diets. You may settle your account using: Cash; Credit/Debit card; MasterCard, VISA. WE DO NOT have the capacity to extend accounts/credit. You are directed to use online/web-based account facilities "buy now pay later" if you require such services.
Estimates of treatment costs: We will happily provide a written estimate (but not a "quote") as to the probable costs of a course of treatment. Please bear in mind that any estimate given can only be approximate – every treatment is different, circumstances may change, and we cannot provide exact costs for a particular procedure.
Settlement terms: Should an account not be settled within 7 days, a reminder will be sent. Any overdue accounts not paid in full within 30 days will be subject to our debt collection procedure and further charges may be levied in respect of costs incurred in collecting the debt: such as court fees, correspondence, court attendance, credit charges, phone calls, etc. Any cheque returned by our bank as unpaid, any card payment not honoured, and cash tendered found to be counterfeit will result in the original account being returned to the original sum with further charges added in respect of bank charges and administrative costs.
Inability to pay: If for any reason you are unable to settle your account as specified, we ask you to discuss the matter as soon as possible with a senior member of staff. We offer to assist you access your preferred online "buy now pay later" services.
Pet health insurance: We strongly supports the principle of insuring your pet against unexpected illness or accidents. Please ask for details about insurance from any member of staff. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to settle our account and then reclaim fees from your insurance company. We have no affiliation with any Pet Insurance company.
Consent: Written signed consent for procedures is required in all cases of admission to the hospital and any alterations will be agreed prior to action being taken. Consent is also required for the use of medications in species for which they were not licensed e.g. rabbits, rodents and exotic species. In this case a consent form will be provided to allow this to be done without asking for specific permission in each and every separate case. This is required as the majority of veterinary drugs are not licensed for use in small mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians and invertebrates. We must then use drugs which have a proven activity and efficiency despite this lack of licence.
Prescriptions: We stock a wide range of medications and provide these as licensed veterinary surgeons to patients under our care.
If you request a prescription to be filled elsewhere then there will be a charge for the checking of the medical records and writing of the prescription.
As will all medications regular check-ups will be required and this interval will be dependent on the medical condition and treatment plan determined by the veterinarian and as a minimum will be (usually) every 3 or 6 months.
Complaints and Standards: We hope you never have recourse to complain about the standards of service received from us. However if you feel that there is something to complain about please direct your comments in the first instance to the Practice Manager, who will guide you through our complaints procedure
Clinical records: Your pet’s clinical records, including radiographs, ultrasound scan records and laboratory test reports remain the property of BPSY_VETCARE and will be kept under the terms of the Data Protection Act (1998). You are entitled to see the records on request and if necessary, an appropriate appointment to view them will be made. Your pet’s records will be sent to another veterinary surgeon on request from them. If you require a copy for your personal use, a charge may be made at the rate for administrative work.
Ownership of radiographs and similar records: The care given to your pet may involve making some specific investigations, for example taking radiographs or performing ultrasound scans. Even though we make a charge for carrying out these examinations and interpreting their results, ownership of the resulting record, (for example a radiograph) remains with the practice.
Return of unused drugs: We are happy to accept unused medications back into the practice for disposal only. However as drugs which have left the premises are no longer fit for resale, no refund can be given. Drugs purchased from any other supplier will not be accepted for disposal.
Repeat examinations: It is necessary both for the welfare of your pet and to meet legal obligations, for this practice to re-examine animals receiving long term medications. The standard interval for medication checks is 3 months; this initially may be less but at no time will be longer than 6 months. The prevailing examination fee will be charged for that consultation.
Home Visits: We provide home visits at this time, we can arrange to see your pet in the outside area if that is more convenient.
Missed appointments: Regretfully we must inform our clients that we reserve the right to charge our minimum consultation fee for appointments missed without reasonable notice.
No addition or variation of these conditions will bind the practice unless it is specifically agreed in writing and signed by one the directors. No agent of person employed by, or under contract with, the practice has the authority to alter or vary these conditions in any way.
Animal Protection Scheme Privately run program (BY OYMOM HEALTH PRIVATE LIMITED RECOGNZED BY GOVT OF INDIA AND OTHRE GOVERMNENT DEPARTMENT ), depending on the work and your performance, stipend or salary is payable in the training program of 3-6 and 12 months, which is given on the basis of your work, after training On completion, you are given salary, stipend every month fixed month to every trainee, it is not fixed because the basis of stipend is your work. At the time of training or during the period of probation, if any kind of irregularity, fraud, poor work performance is found, then your job can also be lost, that too you can be fired with immediate effect without any notice.
If you bribe someone for a job, then it is your responsibility, our organization does not take any responsibility for it, we take only and only the training fee, that too you get its slip, the bank related to the institution from the institution. Give it in the account itself and take its slip.
Without work and poor performance, your stipend / salary is stopped, if your performance is not good within 7 days notice period, you can be fired without salary / stipend, that no one at any time without any notice Before joining the job, read the offer letter carefully.
BPSY - Vetcare will provide candidates thorough training for technical skills as well as will provide exposure to the professional working environment. We have skilled resources with industry knowledge who can deliver training to the selected candidates. Please refer to the Rating Chart as below as per which the candidate will be analyzed. Rating chart for Candidates
Sr. No. -Criteria -Total Score -Minimum Criteria to qualify
1 Attitude 20 / 16
2 Punctuality 10 / 8
3 Attendance 10 / 9
4 Technical Knowledge 15 / 12
5 Grasping ability 15 / 14
6 Problem solving skills 10 / 8
7 Communication skills 10 / 6
8 Compliancy 10 / 7
Total 100 / 80
Overall ratings required for candidate is 8.00
Scenario’s for Trainee’s:
Candidate should be agreeable with the terms mentioned in the terms and Condition given as above. It should be properly communicated to them before they accept the offer.
Candidate should also be fully aware and agreeable about their salary and division during the training period and after completion of their training when they come to Employment.
The Campus Placement in charge should also make sure that the trainees understand the terms and conditions and satisfied with it. There should not be misunderstanding in terms of any clause.
The following factors are also looked in a candidate before completing of their training: Performance, Attitude, Punctuality, Sincerity towards his/her work. If any of these factors are not fulfilled by the respective candidate, then his/her training might get extended based on the management decision.
The Increment will be given only based on performance of the candidate after completion of one year from the date of their appointment.
The training will be completed only on the condition of the successful completion of 180 workings days.
If the candidate is going through any legal case or proceedings, then the company is not going to entertain such candidates’.
Animal Health Worker (AHW): - At the national level, by providing six monthly training to unemployed youth in a rural environments, tenth pass unemployed youth trained by the corporation or having a certificate from the Government of India, Animal Health Worker (AHW) at the Gram Panchayat level is called "Kishan Animal Service". center" will be entrusted to operate. By will sell the products of BPSY to the cattle owners and giving the benefits of the schemes of BPSY to the cattle owners.
Mode of application: - For training in skill development training centers operated by the COMPANY, registration amount of Rs.500/- and TRAINING FEE of Rs.75,000/- INCLUDING GST fee (NON-REFUNDABLE) challan, DD, CHEQUE, BANK DEPOSIT, is provided and 6 TO 12-month training is provided on submission of the application form. For this, the COMPANY should apply according to the conditions, incomplete applications will not be considered.
Monthly Salary: - According to the rules of the product material of the COMPANY, there is a provision to give 12000 TO 21000/- per month AFTER COMPLETING TRAINING
Veterinary Field Assistant (VFA): - At the national level, by providing free TEN TO Twelve monthly training to unemployed youth in rural environment, TWELTH AND GRADUATION pass unemployed youth trained by the COMPANY or having certificate from the AFFILIATED Government of India, Veterinary Field Assistant (VFA) at the Gram Panchayat level is called "KISHAN Animal Service". center" will be entrusted to operate. By which he will sell the products of BPSY to the cattle owners and give the benefits of the schemes of BPSY to the cattle owners.
Mode of application: - For training in skill development training centers operated by the corporation, registration amount of Rs.500/- and TRAINNING FEE deposit of Rs.125000/- INCLUDING GST fee ( NON REFUNDABLE )challan , DD, CHEQUE , BANK DEPOSITE is provided and 12 monthly PAID training is provided on submission of application form. For this, the corporation should apply according to the conditions, incomplete applications will not be considered.
Monthly Salary: - According to the rules of the product material of the corporation, there is a provision to give 15000 TO 25000/- per month .
BPSY-VET care segment under its VETRINARY DIVISION company OYMOM HEALTH PVT LTD . From 2022 OYMOM HEALTH PVT LTD will operate BPSY VETCARE with All Legal Affiliation and Approval with Related Government Department .
Requirement Clarification - All the people are informed that this recruitment is not being taken by the Animal Husbandry Department of Bihar Government. Therefore, do not consider it a government job, this job will be on the company contract.
All the content , Business Model , logo and Other all rights Reserved Copyrights Of OYMOM HEALTH PVT LTD.
Bihar Pashu Suraksha Yojana | AHD DPT | Vet care S
134, kidwaipuri , patna -01
Powered by BPSY Vet Care Copyright © 2022
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